An Apology
For those of you that read the latest post, I would like to say the we are sorry. I hope that you all will forgive us for that. I did not realise who stupid that was until I reread that. I believe we brought Bro. Guess in because he is a Godly man and anyone who knows him would realise how stupid we were being. I didn't not intend any harm and hope that none will befall him. I want to again apologise for the mindless things we did and hope that we may be forgiven.
God bless, and may God forgive us also.
you shouldn't have deleted it though. i edited out the part that everyone was touchy about, and the rest was fine.
finally a really good post and people complain.
btw, I hold a great respect for Bro. Zack and I am offended by anyone who would take offense to a comment that was meant as a joke.
What? How do you take that the wrong way? Seemed like a pretty obvious joke to me...
I'm glad it was deleted. Thanks Will.
ah well...all is forgiven. now we just need another hyper moment to un-somber this blog!!!!
Don't worry about another post. Me and Joe can fix you up with one.
oh, i'm sure of that.
Ok forget this, I'm not going to have everyone turn against me again, I'm just not even going to have an opinion anymore.
hmm, can someone fit in without an opinion?
Its because I'm black. They hate me because I'm black.
[Also, I'll try to be on Google Talk in just a little bit Will. Just kinda busy today.]
Sorry about that joe, Internet went down because of the storm.
Black you say, hmm?
well, if you want MY opinion, and i realized it was not asked for, but here it is anyway, this is a very insecure and sometimes - admit it - embarrassing-to-someones blog. i cannot find humor in that, and i question the thoughtfulness, which may actually be thoughtlessness, of those who do. unless such questionable actions are harnessed and supressed, I would also question the ligitimacy of this blog. Fun is not under question. What IS under question, is acting before thinking of how your actions might effect others. harness this, and go for it, but don't and you are treading dangerous ground. there. i have said it. I am not trying to ruin the party, i just want yall to party without waking up the neighbors. now go have fun.
Thanks for the insite Ludwig. It is the old proverb of "Think before you Act" I will take that under consideration before posting.
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