Hyper Moments

Have a hyper moment recorded on IM? Share it with us here...

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Why drink diet?

Somehow this post seems much less funny now than it did during its creation, but if you dont find it humorous, LAUGH ANYWAY!!! because I said so.

faraboverubies14: i have a song by Jet in my head
joe444477: wow thats so amazing
faraboverubies14: yeah...it won't come out.
joe444477: did u try paint thinner?
faraboverubies14: ewww no
joe444477: that usually does the trick
joe444477: paint thinner works for everything
faraboverubies14: maybe i'll just try a diet coke.
joe444477: diet, ewww...
faraboverubies14: it appeals to me much more than paint thinner.
joe444477: the lack of sugar
faraboverubies14: haha.
joe444477: or whatever they do to them to make them more healthy
faraboverubies14: it took a while, but i've gotten used to them.
joe444477: just so u know, we just created a new post for the hyper blog, but i wont post it until tomorrow or the next day
joe444477: that will allow your post to gather views
faraboverubies14: AHAHAHAHA.
faraboverubies14: how funny...i hadn't even thought of it!
joe444477: how remarkably clever
faraboverubies14: pshh.

Hey if anybody thinks we need better material, please email me at joe444477@gmail.com. Also, we need more commenters, meaning we need better marketing. So we're now drafting another child into the hyper family that is designated specifically for marketing our blog, anyone interested can also email me or Gabbie at faraboverubies15@yahoo.com.

Friday, February 24, 2006


faraboverubies14: hahah.a
faraboverubies14: whatever.
faraboverubies14: you know how i meant to laugh.
ienvyyourradness: hahahaha

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Eating Tacks and Hitting On Sharks

SUPER_VEGETA: **coughs up blood**
KyasurinF: ....WHAT?!?!?!
SUPER_VEGETA: coughs up blood?
KyasurinF: why?
SUPER_VEGETA: I ate a box of tacks
SUPER_VEGETA: that's why
KyasurinF: you der der der
SUPER_VEGETA: my breath was bad
SUPER_VEGETA: so my roommate offered me some tacs
KyasurinF: .....well brush your teeth next time you der der der way to go now your breath smells like blood
SUPER_VEGETA: but they weren't the minty kind...
KyasurinF: those have a tic in the front
KyasurinF: TIC tacs
SUPER_VEGETA: and hey, sharks find me very attractive
KyasurinF: yeah, for EATING
SUPER_VEGETA: how do you know? do you talk to them?
SUPER_VEGETA: so shut up
KyasurinF: nah ah i talk to sharks all the time im like dr.doolittle
SUPER_VEGETA: she said I look delectable
SUPER_VEGETA: it was very sweet
KyasurinF: who the shark?
KyasurinF: youre a retard
SUPER_VEGETA: she wants to have dinner with me sometime
SUPER_VEGETA: so she said
KyasurinF: dinner of you you mean
SUPER_VEGETA: yep, I'm quite the hot one today
KyasurinF: after cooking?
SUPER_VEGETA: I don't cook
SUPER_VEGETA: except spaghetti-os
KyasurinF: no after youre cooked by the shark
SUPER_VEGETA: sharks don't cook either, they live underwater
SUPER_VEGETA: you der der der
KyasurinF: thats why they like to boil people

Now how's that for weird?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Gabbie's Dream

faraboverubies14: so i had a weird dream last night.
faraboverubies14: wanna hear it?
joe444477: no
joe444477: j/p, sure
faraboverubies14: hahaha ok
joe444477: lol, tell me about your fascinating dream


faraboverubies14: so...part of it was me getting on a swing. but it went super high and was realllly long.
faraboverubies14: so it was much more fun than a normal swing.
joe444477: and u swung over the poll up-side-down?
faraboverubies14: and then someone got on the swing next to me, but it freaked me out, cuz we kept criss-crossing our paths, and i thought we were gonna crash, so then i stopped my swing. then he stopped his swing [whoever it was]. so it kind of defeated the purpose of why i got off. so i wanted to get back on, but then i switched to the other part of my dream.....
faraboverubies14: no. i didn't swing over a pool. sounds fun, though.
joe444477: was he staring at u the whole time yall swung?
faraboverubies14: no.
faraboverubies14: then one of my friends was sitting next to me, and he said that i had a lecture on literature next wednesday or something...with his mom [i guess his mom was an english teacher or something]
faraboverubies14: and he said for me to meet him and his mom on some day at Something-Or-Other Tavern.
faraboverubies14: and as THAT part of the dream faded, i was wondering why a couple of underaged Christians would meet at a tavern for an english lesson.... which brings me to the last, and weirdest part of my dream

faraboverubies14: its like just popping in a different dvd in the middle of another one. my dreams keep switching and are not connected in any way.
joe444477: o ok
faraboverubies14: and the last part...
faraboverubies14: i was at Harmony Hill and had brought one of my friends who doesn't usually go to church.
faraboverubies14: but it didn't look like HH. anyway, we were unpacking, and she suggested that we get glow in the dark wall paper for the closet. [though there aren't closets at HH]
faraboverubies14: so all of a sudden there's glow in the dark wallpaper in the closet, and it glows in a turquoise-ish hue....so when i turn the lights on, my nails are painted the same turquoise color. [ i think i dreamed that because i wanted to paint my nails last night, idk]
joe444477: u have a very strange imagination
faraboverubies14: hahahaha. truer words have never been spoken.
faraboverubies14: and then...this fox attacks me. its like biting my leg, and i could feel its teeth digging into me, but i wasn't screaming or anything. i was actually quite calm.

faraboverubies14: so my friend gets this broom which looks kind of bloody, and starts beating the fox...and eventually we get it out a door and back outside.
faraboverubies14: as the fox left, its backside looked a little bloody, so i think that other HH people had encountered the fox...and the fox had apparently encountered the broom before.
joe444477: uhhh
joe444477: ok
faraboverubies14: yeah.
faraboverubies14: then i woke up.
joe444477: how many more dreams did u have
faraboverubies14: that was it.
joe444477: o ok
joe444477: u should like, publish this
faraboverubies14: hahaha. only crazy people would have the slightest desire to read it.
joe444477: thats about every girl at Camp Moriah
faraboverubies14: haha.
faraboverubies14: you could copy this and make it a post. that would be hilarious. then people would read it and comment something like...
faraboverubies14: "what in the world? tell your friend she's weird."
faraboverubies14: hahahahahaha
faraboverubies14: ohhh that'd be funny.
joe444477: be careful what you say, i just might do it.

And, what do you know...

He did it.